P o l S C A
Rue du Trône 98
B-1050 Brussels

Opening hours: 9 am – 5.30 pm

Tel: (+32)/(0) 2 213 41 60
Fax: (+32)/(0) 2 213 41 69

Director: Dr. Tomasz Poprawka


tel. (+32) (0) 2 213 41 61

Expert: Magdalena DOBRZYŃSKA


tel. (+32) (0) 2 213 41 63

Expert: Izabela MACIEJOWSKA


tel. (+32) (0) 2 213 41 62 

“The PolSCA Office is located close to the corner of Rue du Trone and Rue d’Idalie. ” Access by Metro: station “Trone” (line No 2) and 5 min. walk up Rue du Trone, or by bus (line No 12) from the airport to the Place de Luxembourg (the end station) and 3 min. walk Rue de Treves (southbound) and Rue d’Idalie.

A small conference room for up to 15 people is available at PolSCA office. 
