Discussion about the journalism of Leopold Unger



On December 7, 2018, in the East Poland House in Brussels, a discussion took place, which was devoted entirely to the journalism of Leopold Unger, considered one of the most important representatives of serious journalism. The opportunity to take up this topic was the appearance of a French translation of the Unger’s book “Orzeł i reszta. Widziane z Brukseli”. Publication entitled “L’aigle et le reste. Et le reste Vu de Bruxelles“, which was published by Fundacja Terytoria Książki in 2017, is preceded by a scientific introduction written by Professor Iwona Hofman.

The Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA and the Office of the Lublin Voivodship in Brussels co-organised jointly a panel discussion with a participation of Professor Iwona Hofman from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and Małgorzata Molęda-Zdziech – Director of the PolSCA Office. We were also pleased to have the son of Leopold Unger – Mr. Mark Unger with two daughters: Deborah and Sarah. Among the discussed topics were questions about the current relevance of Leopold Unger’s journalism in today’s world of immediate flow of abundant information, about the characteristic elements of his creative process, as well as about personal inspiration in the process of  creating texts. The whole event was moderated by Robert Sołtyk (European Commission, friend of Unger and former journalist and correspondent of “Gazeta Wyborcza”).





Selected photos courtesy of the film crew realizing the documentary about Leopold Unger


Supplementary materials:

More information about „L’aigle et le reste. Et le reste Vu de Bruxelles” – http://www.kulturaparyska.com/pl/o-kulturze/publikajce/ksiazki/swiat

Prof. Iwona Hofman at the UMCS portal – https://www.umcs.pl/pl/addres-book-employee,941,pl.html
