V4 Training – next edition


Recently, another edition of “V4 Training” has been concluded – a training addressed to managers of European research projects. The PolSCA in Brussels was one of the co-organizers of the event that took place on December 5-7, 2018. Among participants were employees of universities and research institutes from Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania and Cyprus. During the three-day workshop, with speakers representing various European research & innovation institutions operating in Brussels and across Europe, the participants had the opportunity to discuss issues related to the current Horizon 2020 framework program, as well as those regarding the forthcoming Horizon Europe. In addition, the program included issues such as conducting effective scientific communication, implementing good administrative practices, as well as matters dedicated to building a network of contacts in the research environment or data management plans in scientific projects. One of the training sessions was devoted to such current events as Brexit. Among the invited speakers were: Marcin Mońko, spokesman of European Research Council Executive Agency, Jakob Just Madsen, scientific attaché from the Danish EU Research Liaison Office, Massimo Busuoli from the university network UnILiON and Mathea Fammels, director of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).



