Integration of Social Sciences and Humanities in EU framework programmes – Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe News

What are the most important research trends in the social sciences and humanities, which can be financially supported within EU funds? How to strengthen cooperation between SSH representatives and representatives of other sciences, business organizations as well as industry? What is the level of integration of social sciences and humanities in the current framework programme Horizon 2020?

Partial answers to these and other questions were provided by two events taking place in Brussels on 27-28 February 2019. The first of them Co-creating Horizon Europe. The impact of Social Sciences and Humanities on future generations was devoted to the role that social sciences and humanities should play in the next framework programme Horizon Europe, which aims to address the current social challenges affecting Europe. What is more, attendees could familiarize themselves with the results of the ACCOMPLISSH project, which can be seen as a platform connecting the academic community, representatives of European governments, industry and citizens. The second initiative Launch event for social sciences and humanities (SSH) integration report, was related to the publication of the latest report of the European Commission, monitoring the state of integration of social sciences and humanities in the current framework program Horizon 2020. One of the editors of the report is Mr. Krzysztof Kania, working in Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.


The European Commission publishes “She Figures 2018” report

Horizon Europe News

The number of women with a career in research is slowly growing in Europe. Still, they remain significantly underrepresented, and their potential not fully recognised and valued.

Equality between women and men is a core value of the European Union, actively promoted in all aspects of life by the European Commission. What is the situation in Research and Innovation? Are women participating and contributing to it to the same extent as men? Or is the so-called ‘leaky pipeline’, the phenomenon of women dropping out of research and academic careers at a faster rate than men, still prevalent?


Opportunities for Researchers from the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and Horizon 2020

Horizon Europe News


We recommend reading the document Opportunities for Researchers from the Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) and Horizon 2020, prepared and published by the Net4Society project in December 2018. The publication contains a full range of topics in the Horizon 2020 contests in 2019 that are relevant to scientists, academics, researchers and other entities in the SSH area, including SSH-DEDICATED TOPICS, SSH-RELEVANT TOPICS as well as TOPICS WITH MINOR SSH RELEVANCE.


Bulletin – a new issue of the Polish NCP’s newsletter

Horizon Europe

Speech by EU commissioner for research, science and innovation – Mr Carlos Moedas in Katowice, a list of Polish enterprises, universities and institutes that are successful in Horizon 2020 and an overview of the most important international events that have taken place in Poland in recent months – these are just some of the topics covered by the latest edition of The Bulletin by the National Contact Point in Poland.


Polish Academy of Sciences – Informational folder 2017

Horizon Europe

On the Polish Academy of Sciences website there is available a new version of the PAS folder.

Brochures “MARIA SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE. I was born in Warsaw” / “MARIA SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE. Je suis née à Varsovie”

Brochures published by Warsaw Tourist Office are available at:

“MARIA SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE. I was born in Warsaw”

“MARIA SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE. Je suis née à Varsovie”

Impact of research projects granted from Horizon 2020

Horizon Europe


We are presenting a paper on impact of research projects granted from Horizon 2020 (in Polish)

Biographic exhibition – Jan Czochralski

Horizon Europe

We are presenting the biographic exhibition of Jan Czochralski. (wiecej…)

Biographic exhibition – Maria Skłodowska Curie

Horizon Europe

We are presenting the biographic exhibition Maria Skłodowska-Curie prepared by Museum of Maria Skłodowska-Curie in Warsaw, the Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Science Contact Agency of the Polish Academy of Sciences. (wiecej…)

Biographic exhibition – Nicolaus Copernicus

Horizon Europe

We are presenting the biographic exhibition Nicolaus Copernicus prepared by Museum of Maria Skłodowska-Curie in Warsaw, the Archive of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Polish Science Contact Agency of the Polish Academy of Sciences. (wiecej…)

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