PolSCA Office among initiators of joint statement of support for the academic and research community of Ukraine


The Polish Science Contact Agency (PolSCA) of the Polish Academy of Sciences is among initiators and the first signatories of joint statement of support for the academic and research community of Ukraine by Brussels-based research & innovation liaison offices. The statement is being brought forward by R&I contact offices, who are close to Ukraine geographically and who share with it the dark pages of violent past of the 20th century.

Through this joint statement, we – the members of a community of Brussels-based research and innovation liaison offices – would like to express our solidarity with the people of the sovereign state of Ukraine, which on the 24th of February 2022 became a target of a hostile military aggression by the Russian Federation. Without hesitation, we strongly condemn this unjustified invasion, occupation and destruction of independent Ukraine. We are deeply touched and concerned about the fate of our peers – members of the academic and research community of Ukraine. This is of particular concern to us – the first signatories of this statement, who come from countries like Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

By fully endorsing the statement, we commit to work tirelessly to make the necessary support available to all students, researchers and academics currently at risk. We must demonstrate to our dearest friends from Ukraine that the European Research Area and European Education Area are not just EU policies, but profound and tangible European values. We believe strongly, that Ukraine and its academic and research community belongs here as well.

You can find the text of the joint statement at https://support-ukraine-rdi.wixsite.com/join

The joint-statement is fully endorsed by all member of the PolSCA Team:

Tomasz Poprawka – Director of the PolSCA

Joanna komperda – R&I Policy Expert

Magdalena Dobrzyńska – R&I Policy Expert

Jadwiga Olech-Kostka – Communication and Administration Specialist

This joint statement remains open for signature by all the other counterparts concerned, especially individual members of the community of Brussels-based research & innovation liaison offices. In order to endorse the statement, please follow the link.
