PolSCA team in a slightly changed version!


We are pleased to inform that from 1st June 2020 the structure of the PolSCA Office is changed! According to the decision of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences prof. Jerzy Duszyński, dr. Tomasz Poprawka began a 4-year term as a new Director of the Polish Science Contact Agency in Brussels. In the light of this, Dr. Justyna Kramarczyk officially took a position as an expert. What is more, recruitment for the position of another expert has been already launched!

Who we are?

Dr. Tomasz Poprawka is a graduate of the Poznan University of Life Sciences where he obtained his master’s degree in biotechnology. In the years 2002–2003 he participated in the ‘Advances Studies in Molecular Biotechnology’ program at the University of Ghent in Belgium. In 2004, he started his four-year doctoral studies at the John Innes Center in Norwich in Great Britain. After receiving his PhD from the University of East Anglia, he moved to the National Institute of Basic Biology in Okazaki (Japan) as part of the JSPS scholarship. In 2010, he returned to Poland and joined the team of the Foundation for Polish Science, where he was involved in overseeing the implementation of programs financed from FNP own funds and programs financed under the ERDF, i.e. he coordinated the work of two teams implementing projects financed under EU structural funds for years 2014-2020. Since November 2018, he has been part of the PolSCA team in Brussels, where as an expert he was involved in monitoring science, research and innovation policy at the European Union level. In June 2020, he began a 4-year term as Director of the Polish Science Contact Agency.

Justyna Kramarczyk is a doctor of social sciences with professional experience in multinational environment. She graduated in sociology and administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. She is experienced in carrying out research and communicating its results – she has participated in numerous research projects (e.g. in 2015-2018 she was the head of the grant of the National Science Center devoted to the slow life phenomenon), the results of which she presented during many international scientific conferences. As an expert, she is in charge of monitoring following areas of the research and innovation’ s EU policy: scientific mobility (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions #MSCA), higher education (# Erasmus +, #European Universities), social sciences and humanities (#SSH) , gender equality (#GenderEquality), cooperation between science and society (e.g. #Missions). In addition, she is responsible for the administrative support and communication activities under which she takes care of the PolSCA’s website and FB profile.

PolSCA Office – our tasks

The PolSCA carries out its statutory tasks mainly by promoting, facilitating and developing the participation of the Polish scientific community in European projects and initiatives, and in particular – by increasing the share of scientific communities associated with the Polish Academy of Sciences in the framework programs of the European Union. These goals are achieved through a number of possible tasks, including:

  • monitoring EU policies in the field of research and innovation and the transfer of this knowledge to the scientific community in the country,
  • promotion and expert support of the participation of Polish partners in the framework program,
  • cooperation with national and international organizations operating in the field of research and innovation,
  • organization of events that can be a forum for an open exchange of knowledge and experience.

These activities will be crucial in the perspective of the next several months, i.e. during the preparation and launch of the first calls under the next EU framework program for research and innovation – Horizon Europe. In the light of this, the PolSCA intensively monitors current works on Horizon Europe, but also ongoing updates in Horizon 2020 (e.g. EU Green Deal Call). These actions are implemented in conjunction with the efficient translation of acquired knowledge into stakeholder environments, especially within the Academy. It is worth adding that it will be helpful to strengthen existing and develop new communication channels and structures within the Polish Academy of Sciences. We hope for adequate involvement of project support offices – as well as researchers themselves – in searching for the possibilities of participating in planned calls. The PolSCA activities will be shaped by partner dialogue with the scientific community in Poland, and in particular with the Polish Academy of Sciences.

We are kindly invite you to check PolSCA activities on our website and our FB profile. If you wish to be regularly updated by us, subscribe to PolSCA newsletter!

All pictures taken by @BasiaPawlikPhotography.
