The Cancer Mission in Horizon Europe and the European Plan against Cancer – Will it be possible to save 3 million people from cancer?


In mid-November, the Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Brussels, together with the representative office of the National Center for Research and Development in Brussels, organized a webinar on the Cancer Mission in Horizon Europe and the European Plan against Cancer.

The Cancer mission together with the European Plan against Cancer focus on activities such as preventing cancer, enabling early diagnosis, reducing suffering and improving the quality of life of cancer patients during and after treatment.

The Cancer Mission Council has proposed an ambitious goal of saving over 3 million people by 2030, which will be achieved through actions focused on the main goals of the Cancer Mission: understanding cancer, prevention (including screening and early detection), diagnosis and treatment, and improving quality of life of people living with and after cancer, while ensuring equal access for all to treatment.

The first part of the webinar explained the vision, goals and key principles of the Cancer Mission and the European Plan against Cancer. They were presented by representatives of the European Commission – Joanna Drake, Mission Manager, Deputy Director General for Research and Innovation and Annika Nowak, representative of the Cancer Mission Secretariat.

Next, the participants of the meeting listened to two expert panels with representatives of various areas – science, business, administration, and civil society organizations – and chaired by prof. dr hab. Konrad Rydzyński, member of the Mission Council.

The panelists discussed building systemic solutions in the field of health prevention and oncological treatment in Poland, cooperation between institutions active at various stages of the fight against cancer, activities aimed at providing patients with the best quality of life and supporting both patients and their families and relatives. One of the panelists was the representative of the Polish Academy of Sciences, prof. dr hab. Marek Figlerowicz, from the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of PAS in Poznań.

We encourage you to follow the website of the PolSCA Office and participate in subsequent events devoted to the Missions in Horizon Europe.
