On the activities of PolSCA, Horizon Europe and Francophone at the Jagiellonian Research Center for African Studies


On March 18, 2019, at the invitation of prof. dr hab. Robert Kłosowicz, dr Adam Knapik, expert of the Polish Science Contact Agency, took part in a seminar for master and PhD students of the Jagiellonian Center for African Studies in Cracow.


PolSCA at the international conference on ‘Capitalism, personality and culture’ in Paris


On April 11-13, 2019, at the Scientific Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris, an international conference entitled “Capitalism, personality and culture” took place. The aim of the conference was to present, in an interdisciplinary way, the relationship between capitalism, personality and culture and the confrontation of various contemporary research perspectives. The invitation to participate in the conference was addressed to historians, economists, sociologists, political scientists, as well as representatives of the sciences of literature, theatre and film.


Happy Easter


We wish you peace, love and happiness.

Have a pleasant time with your families and a joyful Easter!

PolSCA team

The next issue of PolSCA newsletter

We kindly invite you to read the latest issue of newsletter of the Polish Science Contact Agency in Brussels (PolSCA)!

In this issue we have listed the most important events in which we actively participated or which we organized in the first quarter of 2019, as well as those planned for the coming months. In addition, we have briefly summarized negotiations on the Horizon Europa programme and informed about open calls under the Horizon 2020. We wish you interesting reading!

On behalf of the Polish Science Contact Agency

director Małgorzata Molęda-Zdziech

Easter holidays – change the opening hours of PolSCA office

We would like to kindly inform you that on 19 April 2019 (Friday) the office of PolSCA, located at Rue du Trone 98, will be open until 12.00, and on 23 April (Tuesday) will be closed.

Wishing you a happy Easter!

Polish Science Contact Agency team

Strategic planning in Horizon Europe


On Tuesday, 2nd April 2019an IGLO Open meeting took place – hosted by the Jakob Madsen from the DANRO Office. Theme of the event was “Strategic Planning and the Co-Creation Process in Horizon Europe” and it was delivered by Kurt Vandenberghe – director in Directorate A – Policy development & coordination of DG RTD, who presented the Commission’s plans for the new and imminently upcoming Strategic Planning, and in particular which opportunities there will be for co-creation process of the Horizon Europe framework programme.


Forum Future Europe – Berlin 2019


At the end of February, the representatives of national academies of sciences and arts, leading universities and research organisations, as well as scientists from the EU13 member states, have gathered in Berlin at the invitation of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina and the Leibniz Association to discuss our contribution to the future of Europe. Since then, a joint communique has been published, followed by a series of press releases and commentaries, including one featured at Science Business.

All participant of the “Forum Future Europe” agreed that that decisions on the future of the EU must be evidence-based, and the research community should and will provide and better communicate scientific advice for such decisions.


‘V4 Training’ spring edition 2019


Recently, the spring edition of “V4 Training” has been concluded – training for managers of European research projects organized by the Polish Science Contact Agency, Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD), Czech Liaison Office for R&D (CZELO) and Permanent Representation of Hungary to the EU.

The training took place on 27-29 March, and its participants were employees of universities and research institutes not only from the Visegrad Group countries, but also from Slovenia, Romania, Lithuania and Cyprus. This year, we received over 40 applications from Poland, out of which we selected 7 Polish participants of the “V4 Training”.


Integration of Social Sciences and Humanities in EU framework programmes – Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe News

What are the most important research trends in the social sciences and humanities, which can be financially supported within EU funds? How to strengthen cooperation between SSH representatives and representatives of other sciences, business organizations as well as industry? What is the level of integration of social sciences and humanities in the current framework programme Horizon 2020?

Partial answers to these and other questions were provided by two events taking place in Brussels on 27-28 February 2019. The first of them Co-creating Horizon Europe. The impact of Social Sciences and Humanities on future generations was devoted to the role that social sciences and humanities should play in the next framework programme Horizon Europe, which aims to address the current social challenges affecting Europe. What is more, attendees could familiarize themselves with the results of the ACCOMPLISSH project, which can be seen as a platform connecting the academic community, representatives of European governments, industry and citizens. The second initiative Launch event for social sciences and humanities (SSH) integration report, was related to the publication of the latest report of the European Commission, monitoring the state of integration of social sciences and humanities in the current framework program Horizon 2020. One of the editors of the report is Mr. Krzysztof Kania, working in Directorate-General for Research and Innovation.


The European Commission publishes “She Figures 2018” report

Horizon Europe News

The number of women with a career in research is slowly growing in Europe. Still, they remain significantly underrepresented, and their potential not fully recognised and valued.

Equality between women and men is a core value of the European Union, actively promoted in all aspects of life by the European Commission. What is the situation in Research and Innovation? Are women participating and contributing to it to the same extent as men? Or is the so-called ‘leaky pipeline’, the phenomenon of women dropping out of research and academic careers at a faster rate than men, still prevalent?

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