Seasons greetings





Peaceful Christmas time

spent in a family atmosphere

and many successes in the coming year


Team of the PolSCA Office in Brussels

Christmas break – changes in the operation of the PolSCA office



We would like to kindly inform you that on December 24-27, 2018, the PolSCA office – located on Rue du Trone 98, 1050 Brussels – will be closed.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

PolSCA team

The first issue of newsletter of the Polish Science Contact Agency!

Dear All,

We are pleased to enclose the first issue of newsletter of the Polish Science Contact Agency of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Brussels (PolSCA). We list and describe the most important events in which we participated actively or which we organized in 2018, as well as those planned for 2019. In addition, we have prepared a set of information on the Horizon 2020 Framework Program and news related to the next EU program for research and innovation called Horizon Europe (FP9). At the end, we would like to extend our warmest Christmas and New Year greetings. Enjoy your reading!

On behalf of the Polish Science Contact Agency

Director Małgorzata Molęda-Zdziech


Please find the English version of newsletter below: 

PolSCA newsletter-EN_2018.01

V4 Training – next edition


Recently, another edition of “V4 Training” has been concluded – a training addressed to managers of European research projects. The PolSCA in Brussels was one of the co-organizers of the event that took place on December 5-7, 2018. Among participants were employees of universities and research institutes from Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania and Cyprus. During the three-day workshop, with speakers representing various European research & innovation institutions operating in Brussels and across Europe, the participants had the opportunity to discuss issues related to the current Horizon 2020 framework program, as well as those regarding the forthcoming Horizon Europe. In addition, the program included issues such as conducting effective scientific communication, implementing good administrative practices, as well as matters dedicated to building a network of contacts in the research environment or data management plans in scientific projects. One of the training sessions was devoted to such current events as Brexit. Among the invited speakers were: Marcin Mońko, spokesman of European Research Council Executive Agency, Jakob Just Madsen, scientific attaché from the Danish EU Research Liaison Office, Massimo Busuoli from the university network UnILiON and Mathea Fammels, director of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).


The FNP Prize ceremony 2018



Exactly a week ago, on 5 December 2018, during a gala event at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the Foundation for Polish Science Prize (The FNP Prize), regarded as the highest scientific honour in Poland, was awarded to four distinguished scholars: Prof. Andrzej Dziembowski, Prof. Andrzej Gałęski, Prof. Krzysztof Pachucki and Prof. Timothy Snyder. Two honored recipients are associated with the Polish Academy of Sciences.


The FNP Prize is awarded for significant advancements and scientific discoveries which shift cognitive boundaries and open new perspectives for research, provide an exceptional contribution towards the advancement of the nation’s progress and culture, and assure Poland a significant position for undertaking the most ambitious challenges of the modern world.  The amount of the prize is PLN 200,000. Below we present the laureates and their scientific achievements, for which they were recognized with this year’s prizes:


Discussion about the journalism of Leopold Unger


On December 7, 2018, in the East Poland House in Brussels, a discussion took place, which was devoted entirely to the journalism of Leopold Unger, considered one of the most important representatives of serious journalism. The opportunity to take up this topic was the appearance of a French translation of the Unger’s book “Orzeł i reszta. Widziane z Brukseli”. Publication entitled “L’aigle et le reste. Et le reste Vu de Bruxelles“, which was published by Fundacja Terytoria Książki in 2017, is preceded by a scientific introduction written by Professor Iwona Hofman.

The Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA and the Office of the Lublin Voivodship in Brussels co-organised jointly a panel discussion with a participation of Professor Iwona Hofman from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and Małgorzata Molęda-Zdziech – Director of the PolSCA Office. We were also pleased to have the son of Leopold Unger – Mr. Mark Unger with two daughters: Deborah and Sarah. Among the discussed topics were questions about the current relevance of Leopold Unger’s journalism in today’s world of immediate flow of abundant information, about the characteristic elements of his creative process, as well as about personal inspiration in the process of  creating texts. The whole event was moderated by Robert Sołtyk (European Commission, friend of Unger and former journalist and correspondent of “Gazeta Wyborcza”).


The Polish Science Contact Agency – PolSCA Office activities in 2018



In 2018, the PolSCA Office team actively participated in over 70 seminars, conferences and study visits. Among them, a seminar devoted to Polish business representations in Brussels is certainly worth of  mentioning. The first part of the meeting took place in the European Parliament and included the presentation of foreign stations of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris and Brussels as subjects implementing the tasks of scientific diplomacy. The results of research published in the book “Representation of economic and social interests in the EU” [PL: Reprezentacja interesów gospodarczych i społecznych w UE], edited by U. Kurczewska and K. Jasiecki were also presented. The second part of the seminar, organized in cooperation with the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Poland in Brussels, was the debate entitled “Lobbying in the EU” with the participation of authors of the above mentioned monograph and employees of the EU institutions.


In addition, together with the Polish Embassy in Brussels, the PolSCA Office co-organized a conference “Women in Science. Past and Present”. PolSCA was also a partner of the event “3Revolution: Reduce-Reuse-Recover”, during which the director of PolSCA Office – Małgorzata Molęda-Zdziech, participated in the discussion panel entitled “Poland for European Innovations”. What should also be emphasized, is the active participation of the PolSCA Office in the 8th European Forum of New Ideas (EFNI) in Sopot, under which M. Molęda-Zdziech moderated the panel on Polish lobbying in Brussels and participated in a panel discussion on Polish business leaders. PolSCA Office was also present at the Science Festival in Jabłonna. As part of the IGLO network (Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices), the so-called IGLO OPEN seminar was organized and chaired by the PolSCA, covering the issue of the Horizon Europe.  The Office was involved in co-organizing a training on framework programs for international project administrators from Polish research institutions. In 2018 a series of meetings for representatives of Polish regional offices in Brussels was initiated – the topic of one of ten meetings was the issue of “smart cities”.  A very fruitful cooperation was established with the Polish Academy of Sciences Office in Paris, under which two study visits, the presentation of both stations in the European Parliament and a debate on scientific diplomacy in practice during the Science Festival in Jabłonna took place.


More information about the activities of the remaining scientific stations of the Polish Academy of Sciences can be found at the link:




Polska Akademia Nauk

Report by the Polonium Foundation “Beyond recognition: Polish scientific diaspora as a source of social capital”



Do you know that every second polish scientist working abroad does not intend to return to Poland? The return is considered by less than one-third of respondents (27 percent). Among those who want to stay abroad (47%), more than half see benefits in networking and cooperating with scientists from Poland, yet only 6% is actively looking for these contacts. The lack of cooperation between scientists results from the lack of opportunities to make contact – this is the opinion of the authors of the report, experts from the Polonium Foundation.


ERA Chairs Group Leader position at the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Poland


The International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IIMCB) invites applications for the position of a Group Leader with a planned starting date in November 2018.

Deadline for applications is October 31st, 2018.

Open competition for ERA Chairs Group Leader_IIMCB

Flyer_ERA Chairs Group Leader

Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union


The call for feeback on different aspects of future research and innovation missions was published by the European Commission. The results will feed into the preparatory work for the post-2020 EU R&I programme and its implementation.

We invite all the stakeholders to take part!

PolSCA participates already in this process.


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