A breakthrough discovery by scientists from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology on the treatment of cancer and COVID-19


Scientists from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw have discovered cellular processes that are a promising therapeutic target in the treatment of cancer and COVID-19.


GLOBAL TALENT VISA. New UK immigration system for researchers


Global Talent Visa is a scheme designed for those who wants to work in the UK, for those who are leaders or potential leaders in one of the following fields: Science, Medicine, Engineering, Humanities. The Global Talent route is for people aged 18 or over in the field of science, engineering, humanities, medicine, digital technology or arts and culture who can show they have exceptional talent or exceptional promise.


#V4Conference2021 – event summary


On 29 June 2021 a webinar “Earth Observations for citizens and the planet – V4 perspective on R&I contributions to the Copernicus programme” took place as an annual V4 Conference 2021 organised by the Polish Science Contact Agency of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PolSCA) together with Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO), National Research, Development and Innovation Office Hungary (NRDIO) and Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD). All speakers’ presentations and event-related documents (i.e. HE Cluster 4 WE and Copernicus reports) as well as video recording of the event are available on the event website.


Polish Returns NAWA – call for applications until July 29!


Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) announces the call for applications in the Polish Returns NAWA program. The aim of this initiative is to enable outstanding Polish scientists to return to the country and take up employment in Polish universities, research institutes or research institutes, where they will have the opportunity to create their own project groups and conduct research.


Webinar “100 climate-neutral cities by 2030 – by and for the citizens” – summary


As a part of a joint initiative of the PolSCA Office and the office of the National Center for Research and Development in Brussels – Business Science Poland – on June 21 an online meeting was held on one of the areas of European missions implemented under Horizon Europe. The Climate Neutral and Smart Cities mission will support new ideas, research and innovation that will help cities undergo systemic transformation to become climate neutral.


‘Science for EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy’ – the event summary


One year after the adoption of the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy and just one day before the International Day of Biodiversity (22nd May) the Polish Science Contact Agency in Brussels, a liaison office of the Polish Academy of Sciences, held the webinar ‘Science for EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy”. The event gathered in one virtual space many inspiring speakers and about 160 attendees coming from all corners of Europe and beyond! Among the on-line participants there was a huge representation of R&I institutions such as research centres and universities. Some of attendees were linked to various institutions of funding agencies, ministries, national parks etc. The event brought also attention of a broad representatives of national, regional and local stakeholders, incl. NGOs, enterprises and local authorities. All speakers’ presentations, event-related documents (strategies and reports) as well as video recording of the event are available on the event website.


Culture Heritage in Digital Age – webinar summary


The webinar ‘Cultural Heritage in Digital Age’, held virtually on 21st April 2021, served as a platform to present and discuss opportunities and challenges that lay ahead of Europe in fostering the involvement of researchers, innovators and other relevant actors in the process of digitisation of cultural heritage. A particular attention was paid to current policies and instruments, developed under Horizon Europe, Creative Europe or other programmes such as Digital Europe programme, Erasmus+, Next Generation EU, and their potential to preserve and enhance cultural heritage with advanced technologies. Also, it showcased some European funded research projects and other relevant initiatives on the digitisation of Europe’s cultural heritage. This online event was a unique chance to get up-to-date, first-hand information from various experts in this field, representing European Commission, European networks, universities, research centres and libraries. If you interested in main conclusions coming from the webinar, please read through the webinar summary and/or watch the video recording – both are available below.


Webinar ‘Science for EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy’


Polish Science Contact Agency ‘PolSCA’ of the Polish Academy of Sciences is pleased to invite you for the online seminar ‘Science for EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy’ wchich will take place on May 21, 2021! The event is opened to everyone interested in biodiversity protection and forest-related R&I actions.


Webinar ‘The Mission Starfish 2030: Let’s restore our water resources and oceans’


As part of a joint initiative of the PolSCA Office and the representative office of the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR) in Brussels – Business Science Poland – on 10th May, an online meeting was held on one of the areas of European missions implemented under Horizon Europe. The Mission Starfish 2030 will support new ideas, research and innovation in the field of the protection of the aquatic environment.


International research funding through the JPIs’ and ERA-NETs’ funding schemes. Portfolio of the National Centre for Research and Development


In February, on our website, we published an article on supporting research and innovation through funding schemes announced by cross-national networks such as Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) and ERA-NET networks. At that time, we presented the call portfolio of the National Science Centre, and on this occasion a PolSCA webinar dedicated to this topic was held. This time, we would like to encourage you to familiarize yourself with the current offer of era-net calls of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR), which supports mostly applied research and new technologies. The NCBR portfolio in that matter was discussed during another webinar organised by PolSCA. All funding schemes presented during both webinars and described below are still under the Horizon 2020 framework program.

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