Your opinion counts! Public consultations of the UE documents.

Horizon Europe News

In the current programming period for 2021-2027, the European Commission has set itself the goal of working even more closely with the public and other stakeholders in the policy-making and EU legislative procedure. The process is to be more transparent, simplified, effective and reflecting the views of citizens and stakeholders. The public consultations are already open not only to public institutions, but also to any organization or private person. Certainly, this also applies to the research and innovation sector. As a consequence, the public consultations will have a significant impact on the directions and strategies related to the R&I policy in the European Union.


V4 Training: Spring Edition 2021 – We are waiting for your applications!


We cordially invite you to participate in the next edition of the V4 Training which is addressed primarily to managers of European research projects and organized by the Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA together with the V4 liaison offices in Brussels. Due to constraints caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the Training will be held entirely online between 26-28 April 2021.


Flood forecasting, climate change, water protection. The most important water congress in Europe is hosted by PAS


The participants of the 6th IAHR Europe Congress will have the unique opportunity to talk about, among others, how to forecast floods or achieve the sustainable development in urban water supply systems. The congress agenda includes sessions and webinars combined with discussions with the audience. Europe Regional Hydro-Environment Heritage awards will be presented. This year’s congress, organized by the Polish Academy of Sciences – PAS, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW and PAS Institute of Geophysics, will be attended online by 400 experts from 53 countries.


International research funding through the JPIs’ and ERA-NETs’ funding schemes. Portfolio of the National Science Centre.


Before the new Horizon Europe framework program enters the landscape of R&I funding for good, let’s take a look at what the retiring Horizon 2020 still has to offer. Below we present currently available international research calls for proposals launched by the ERA-NET and JPI networks, in which the National Science Centre (NCN) participates. The current NCN’s portfolio includes funding schemes for multilateral research projects in various disciplines: life sciences, physical sciences and engineering, art, humanities and social sciences.


Social sciences and humanities in the EU framework programs – ‘state of art’ and new opportunities

Horizon Europe News

The beginning of the year is both a period of scientific summaries and a time when new opportunities are opening up for researchers. Therefore, Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA would like to highlight the main conclusions from the 5th report of the European Commission on the integration of social sciences and humanities in the EU framework program ‘Horizon 2020’, which may shape solutions implemented in the next program ‘Horizon Europe’. In addition, we present below three other EU initiatives that may be of interest to the research community in the field of SSH: ‘EIT Cultural and Creative Industries-KIC’ partnership, as well as the ‘New European Bauhaus’ initiative and the continuation of the ‘Creative Europe’ program. We encourage you to read it!


EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030


On the threshold of the third decade of the 21st century, no one doubts how urgent and necessary it is to save the nature around us. Properly functioning ecosystems are the basis and prerequisites of our existence – the source of necessary components of life on Earth, such as clean water and air. Their effective protection and restoration are extremely important, especially now, in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic and in the period of intensive efforts to restore resilience, sustainable development and well-being in the European Union.


WiSER – the summary of the event


The topic of women in science and the European research area was discussed during the conference ‘WiSER – Women in Science and European Research‘, organized on 4th December 2020 by Polish Science Contact Agency of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Information Office of Wielkopolska Region in Brussels. The aim of the event was to focus on the issue of persistent gender inequalities in the European Research Area (ERA).


Season’s greetings from PolSCA team!


As the year 2020 is coming to its end, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our colleagues, collaborators, experts and institutional partners, for all the valuable cooperation and joint commitments in building a better future for European research & innovation.

Soon we will pause our work for a while, so to travel home, meet with our loved ones and celebrate one of the most beautiful time of the year. On this occasion, PolSCA team wishes you that this festive period will be a time of rest and joy spent with your families and friends, and that the upcoming New Year will bring you a lot of inspiration, satisfaction and success in your personal and professional life.

PASIFIC – a new fellowship programme for excellent researchers at the Polish Academy of Sciences!


2 years of research in 69 excellent host institutes (to choose from) and in any discipline with up to 93,000 euro budget for research with? Why not? The Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) announces the PASIFIC Fellowship Programme funded within the MSCA COFUND scheme! The PASIFIC programme offers attractive 2-year postdoctoral fellowships to excellent researchers of any nationality, working in any scientific discipline. Each PASIFIC fellow will be granted a monthly allowance of approx. €2,500 net and, if applicable, an additional family allowance. In addition, PASIFIC fellows will be provided with a research budget of up to €93,000 per project.


Let’s discover the ‘green’ projects of the Polish Academy of Sciences!


You prise others, while unappreciate your own! As you might know, the call for applications in the special H2020 Green Deal Call (GDC) is open until 26th January 2021, however, grants financed under European funds and thematically linked to the areas of GDC have been carried out at the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAS) for several years. Therefore, the PolSCA Office is pleased to present 7 selected projects conducted in the Polish Academy of Sciences and related to the second, third, sixth and seventh area of the European Green Deal Call, i.e. clean, affordable, and secure energy, industry for a clean and circular economy, farm to fork as well as ecosystems and biodiversity. Below you can find short descriptions of projects along with their most important achievements, prepared in cooperation with the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences. We also asked the persons responsible for the implementation of these grants about the potential of their Institutes to participate in the EU Green Deal Call, as well as about the social dimension of projects, i.e. the possibility of involving citizens or representatives of social sciences and humanities. We kindly invite you to take a closer look at these projects!

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