Information Event on hydrogen with and for Visegrad four contries. Searching for syngergies.

KoWi Rue du Trone 98Brussels,

On behalf of the four Brussels based research offices of the V4 countries, i.e. National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (NRDIO), Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO), Polish Science Contact Agency (PolSCA) and Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD) we cordially invite you to participate in an online information […]

Webinar :: International research funding. Funding schemes of the NCN and NCBR

KoWi Rue du Trone 98Brussels,

Polish Science Contact Agency (PolSCA) in Brussels of the Polish Academy of Sciencesin cooperation with the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) andthe National Science Centre (NCN) invites you to a webinar dedicated to international calls for research projects, implemented in multilateral cooperation, especially under Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. The representatives of the National Science Center and the […]

Webinar “Gender equality in European Research, Innovation and Higher Education. How to enhance scientific excellence through Gender Equality Plans?”

The EU is committed to advancing gender equality in all areas, the Research and Innovation (R&I) sector being no exception. Despite the progress achieved, many structural barriers to gender equality in research and innovation persist. The She Figures 2021 report provides data and analysis for approximately 88 indicators monitoring the state of gender equality in […]

International mobility in research. Funding schemes of the PAS, the NAWA and the NCN

KoWi Rue du Trone 98Brussels,

The Polish Academy of Sciences together with the Polish Science Contact Agency (PolSCA) in Brussels of the PAS and in cooperation with the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) and the National Science Centre (NCN) invites you to an information meeting dedicated to research programs supporting incoming mobility and the internationalization of science in Poland. The aim of the event is […]

Societal Transformations in the Digital Age: Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Research in Horizon Europe

KoWi Rue du Trone 98Brussels,

We are pleased to invite you to attend a webinar and networking event on «Societal Transformations in the Digital Age: Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Research in Horizon Europe» which will be held online on 12 May 2022 from 9.30 to 13.00 (CEST). The event is jointly organised by four Brussels-based liaison offices: Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office (LINO), Netherlands house for Education and […]
