SUMMARY: The Information event on hydrogen with and for Visegrad four contries. Searching for syngergies.


The information event on hydrogen with and for Visegrad Four countries was organized by the Brussels based liaison offices of the V4 countries the National Research Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (NRDIO), the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research (CZELO), the Polish Science Contact Agency of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PolSCA) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD) on 8 February 2022. The online event was attended by almost 200 participants.

The objective of the information event was to reach a wide range of interested V4 stakeholders representing policy, research and industry about national and European programmes, to make them aware of various possibilities and funding opportunities and to start building up new contacts and to find novel ways of cooperation.

The keynote presentation of Bart BiebuyckExecutive Director of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership was followed by two panel discussions. The first panel was built around European initiatives like the Partnership itself, the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, the IPCEI on hydrogen, the green hydrogen ERA pilot, the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst Fund and the Green Hydrogen Acceleration Centre of the EIT InnoEnergy KIC. 

The second panel was showcasing hydrogen strategies, programmes and initiatives in the V4 countries. Polish perspective was presented by Tomoho Umeda, President of the Hynfra Group, Vice president of the Hydrogen Poland, Mr Umeda focused his presentation mostly on Polish hydrogen projects index, prepared by Hydrogen Technology Committee in Polish Chamber of Commerce, showing main hydrogen valleys and hydrogen clusters being planned or developed in Poland.

It is highly important to highlight that on 7 December 2021 the Polish Hydrogen Strategy until 2030 with an outlook until 2040 was adopted by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. The Strategy outlines forward-looking vision of national hydrogen economy, simultaneously with indication of main goals of hydrogen economy development in Poland and the directions of activities which need to be taken in order to achieve climate neutrality and maintain competitiveness of the Polish economy. It specifies 3 key areas, that is industry, power generating sector and transport, 6 specific goals to be achieved and 40 tasks which, when completed, will enable us to become a society that benefits from the hydrogen technologies.


On March 1st, 2022, the Partnership is going to launch the call for proposals with the total budget of 300m EUR call and 41 topics.

  • Hydrogen production
  • Hydrogen distribution
  • Transport
  • Heat and Power
  • Cross-cutting
  • Overarching

The Info Day on the call is planned for March 15, 2022.

There will be two cut-off dates: 31st May and 20th September (each half of the topics). The call is open to all organisations, and some of the topics will require a member of Hydrogen Europe in the consortium.

If you are interested in this call, please follow the Partnership website and sign up for the Partnership newsletter.

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership is supporting regions especially in CEE to build their projects through PDA (Project Development Assistance). Please see the link to learn more about them, especially about the example of Gdynia (together with neighbouring cities: Gdańsk, Tczew, Wejcherowo). In June 2022 the Partnership will announce a new round of PDA’s – please stay tuned! 


The event recording is available on YouTube and the slides of the speakers can be downloaded below.
