ICT for green cars

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Prof. Jerzy Tokarzewski, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland; Mr. Konrad Makomaski, Business Development Director, Impact Automotive Technologies Sp z o.o., Poland: Dr. Robert Rossa, Research and Development Centre of Electrical Machines KOMEL, Poland: Dr. Zurek, Klaster Green Stream in Warsow, Poland: Mr. Martin Pípa, Head of ITS Department, Transport Research […]


Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Meeting organized with Wuppertal Institute Promoting the development of an energy efficiency service (EES) market Good practice examples of changes in energy service bussiness, strategies, and supportive policies and measures in the course of the implementation of Directive 2006/32/EC

Ethics in Health Research and Public Trust in Health Care

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Polish Science for FP7 seminar Speakers: Prof. Dr. med. Andrzej GORSKI, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr. med. Andrzej SZCZEKLIK, Medical College of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, Prof. Dr. Rose WINKLER, Université de Liege, Département des sciences biomédicales et précliniques, Prof. Dr. med. François-Bernard MICHEL, member of the French Académie […]

Future Internet: Architectures, Network Technologies and Services

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Prof. Wojciech Burakowski, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Prof. Henryk Rybiński, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Warsaw University of Technology, Dr inż. Grzegorz Danilewicz, Poznań University of Technology, Mr. Kjeld Olesen, North Denmark EU Office, Mr. Remy Bayou, Unit 'Future networks', Directorate General INFSO, European Commission.

Zero Emission Coal Energy

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Mr. Vassilios Kougionas, Research Programme Officer, Unit K2 Energy conversion and distribution systems, DG RTD; Mr. Petre Petrov, Research Programme Officer, Unit K2 Energy conversion and distribution systems, DG RTD; Mr. Jeroen, Research Programme Officer, Unit K2 Energy conversion and distribution systems, DG RTD; Dr. Antonio Calabro, Energy Plants and Processes Division, Casaccia Research […]
