Imaging Structures at the Nano-Metre Scale

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Dr hab.Piotr Dłużewski, Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy od Sciences, Warsaw, Poland: Doc. dr hab. Leszek Kępiński, Włodzimierz Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research of the Polish Academy od Sciences, Wrocław, Poland: Dr inż. Tomasz Piotr Płociński, Materials Design Division, Faculty of Materials Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland; Prof. […]

CO2 Capture and Storage

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Dr hab. inż. Stanisław Nagy, Faculty of Drilling, Oil and Gas, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland: Mr. Kris Piessens, EuroGeoSurveys; Mr. Petre Petrov, DG Research, Research Programme Officer, Unit K2 Energy conversion and distribution systems; Mr. Jeroen Schuppers, DG Research, Research Programme Officer, Unit K2 Energy conversion and distribution systems.

ICT for open access to scientific infomation

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Ms. Krystyna Marek, GEANT and eInfrastructures, DG INFSO, European Commission; Mr. Carlos Morais Pires,GEANT and eInfrastructures, DG INFSO, European Commission; Dr Cezary Mazurek,Network Services Department Director, The Environmental Biotechnology Department, The Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology, Poland: Dr Aleksander Tarkowski, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling […]


Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Ms. Céline Hervé-Bazin, The European Technology Platform for Water, (WssTP), Liaison Officer; Dr hab. Henryk Marszałek, Faculty of Earth Science and Environmental Management, University of Wrocław, Poland: Prof. Korneliusz Miksch, The Environmental Biotechnology Department, The Faculty of Energy and Environmental Engineering at the Silesian University of Technology, Poland: Prof. Lucjan Pawłowski, Faculty of Environmental […]

European Forward Looking Activities

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Prof. Marek Niezgodka PhD, DSc, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM) University of Warsaw, Poland: Prof. Henryk Domański, Director of The Institute of Philosophy and Sociology (IFiS) PAN, Poland: Mr. Ondrej Valenta, Strategic Studies Unit, Technology Centre ASCR, Czech Republic; Dr. Domenico Rossetti Di Valdalbero, Unit L2 - Economic, Social Sciences and […]
