Carbon Capture and Storage

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Alan Haigh - Head of Unit DG Research, Unit G5 Directorate Industrial Technology, Research Fund for Coal and Steel, European Commision; Peter Petrov - Research Programme Officer, DG Research, Unit K2 Energy conversion and distribution systems, European Commission; Lara Blake - Project Assistant - EU policies , DG Energy ,Unit B3 Coal & Oil, European […]

V Doroczne Spotkanie Promocja Nauki Polskiej w Brukseli – Jak zwiekszyc polskie uczestnictwo w programach badawczych UE? (in Polish only)

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Prelegenci: prof. dr hab. med. Andrzej Gorski , Wiceprezes Polskiej Akademii Nauk; Krzysztof Gulda Dyrektor Departamentu Strategii Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyzszego; dr Andrzej Siemaszko , Dyrektor Krajowego Punktu Kontaktowego PB UE; dr Jan Krzysztof Frackowiak , Dyrektor Biura `PolSCA` PAN; prof. dr hab Mariusz Piskula , Instytut Rozrodu Zwierzat i Badan Zywnosci PAN; dr […]

Impact assessment of EU policies

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Domenico Rossetti, Research Programme Officer - Scientific Officer , DG Research, Unit L2 Research in the economic, social sciences and humanities - Prospective, European Commission. Prof. Anna Rogut University of Lodz, Faculty of Management, Poland. Dr Stanislaw Kubielas Warsaw University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Poland. Dr Dominik Rozkrut University of Szczecin, Faculty of Economics […]

Lifelong learning in Europe: appropriate skills for sustaining better jobs

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

Speakers: Ms. Halina Walasek - Scientific Officer, DG Research, Unit L2 Research in the economic, social sciences and humanities - Prospective, European Commission; Prof. Aldona Andrzejczak, Poznan University of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Poland. Prof. Krystyna Janicka, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. Dr. Malgorzata Miller, Technical University […]

True Colours of Silesia: Strengthening the role of the Silesian R&D Potential for Green Innovations

Office PolSCA Rue du Trône 98Brussels,

From 15th to 19th November 2010 in the European Parliament, Brussels, took place a seminar and exhibition True Colours of Silesia: Strengthening the role of the Silesian R&D Potential for Green Innovations. The event was organized by the Silesian University of Technology, MEP Adam Giereks Office, Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas, Regional Office of […]
