New Programme Council of the Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA


In March 2023, Prof. Marek Konarzewski – President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and former Chairman of the Programme Council of PolSCA – appointed a new Programme Council for the Polish Science Contact Agency “PolSCA” of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Brussels for a term of 2023 – 2026.


“V4 Training for Research Project Managers” – summary of the spring 2023 edition


On Friday we concluded another – already the thirteenth – edition of the “V4 Training for Research Project Managers”.  This is the PolSCA Office’s flagship training course aimed at supporting and developing managers of European research projects (primarily Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe) working at universities, scientific and research institutes in departments responsible for acquisition, management and reporting. We are organising it together with the Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation (CZELO), the National Research, Development and Innovation Office in Hungary (NRDIO) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD).


The next V4 Training for Research Project Managers (Spring 2023 edition) starts tomorrow!


On 29 March starts the three-day V4 Training for Research Project Managers, which takes place regularly every six months in Brussels. Once again, we have invited 35 participants from each Visegrad Group country and IGLO (Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices) associated countries, including 7 people from Poland.


Science: Polish Perspectives Meetup 2023 Brussels is already behind us!


On March 9-10, 2023, for the first time in Brussels the Science: Polish Perspectives Meetup was held! SPP Meetup Brussels was a joint initiative of the Polonium FoundationPolish Science Contact Agency “PolSCA”the Brussels Office of National Centre of Research and Development – Business & Science Poland, end the Embassy of the Republic of Poland to the Kingdom of Belgium. The organizers were united by the common goal of gathering representatives of the Polish scientific diaspora from the Benelux countries.


Have your say on framework programmes 2014-2027. Commission invites to the public consultations!

Horizon Europe News

Public consultation on the past, present and future of the European R&I Framework programmes 2014-2027. Fill in the survey and share your views on the performance of Horizon 2020 and Horizon EU, and shape the EU R&I priorities for 2025-2027. You have time until 23 February!


International research funding schemes of the NCN and NCBR for 2023 


Do you seek for research funding opportunities to carry out your dream project in the international partnership? Are you aware of wide range of European funding schemes that can help you to achieve your scientific goals? In fact, there are plenty of such available at the national level, implemented either by NCN or NCBR! 


Work Programmes 2023-24 of the Horizon Europe – new opportunities for R&D&I

Horizon Europe News

On 6 December 2022, the European Commission has published the main Work Programmes 2023-24 of the Horizon Europe, the largest EU research and innovation funding program for 2021-2027. Competitions for a total amount of EUR 13.5 billion will be announced over the next two years, as part of the Work Programmes 2023-24. Each of the Work Programs contain information on topics, budgets and schedules of competitions for research and innovation projects.

Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie HE-Work-Programme-adopted-visual_6.12.22.jpeg

V4 Training – recruitment for the next edition (spring 2023) has started again!


The call for participants for the next edition of the “V4 Training for Research Project Managers” has started again! We invite to Brussels (March 29, 30 and 31) research managers working in project departments of universities, scientific and research institutes responsible for acquisition, management and reporting. Applications are accepted until January 29, 2023!


‘V4 Training for Research Project Managers’ – summary of the Autumn 2022 edition


‘V4 Training for Research Project Managers’ is the flagship training course of the Polish Science Contact Agency. Its aim is to support and develop managers of European research projects (primarily Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe) working at universities, scientific and research institutes in departments responsible for acquisition, management and reporting. These trainings have been co-organised since 2016 together with the Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation (CZELO), the National Research, Development and Innovation Office in Hungary (NRDIO) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD). The current training was the 12th edition. So far, more than 420 people have received the training, including 80 participants from Polish research units!


How to involve stakeholders in the climate-related R&I projects?


Being ready to identify and engage different actors to work hand in hand on research projects is the key step to address and tackle grand challenges of the climate change. That is why, on Thursday, September 29, Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA of the PAS in Brussels organised the information session entitled: How to involve stakeholders in the climate-related R&I projects?

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