HE Navigators MeetUp – COST Info Session

April 12 09:30 11:30

We would like to invite you to the next Horizon Navigators MeetUp , which this time will take place on 12 April and will focus on the COST Programme.

During the meeting you will learn about the COST Programme, which involves the research community from 41 COST member countries plus Israel and South Africa. It is a large networking initiative bringing together scientists from all disciplines working together in research networks – the so-called COST Actions. They are organised on a bottom-up basis by researchers proposing a topic they want to investigate and in which they want to exchange experience.


Information session on MAPS

April 11 14:00 15:30

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has announced the opening of applications for MAPS – Multilateral Academic Projects within the Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program Research and Innovation for projects conducting basic research led by Polish researchers in collaboration with partners from Switzerland, as well as Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, and Romania.

In this regard, SNSF in collaboration with the PolSCA Office, hungarian NRDIO and romanian ROST (all members of IGLO network) is organizing an informational session on the application process for MAPS.

Details and link to information session here.

The call for applications will be open to all research areas.

An online tool for finding partners has also been made available to support partnership formation.

V4 Conference on Research Infrastructures


18 April 2024, Hotel Renaissance, Brussels

The theme of this year’s joint #V4Conference is Research Infrastructures. A number of intervening European research infrastructures (RIs), both well-established and emerging, are operating in the four Visegrad countries. The aim of the event and its accompanying discussions is to look at these examples and provide a platform for debate led by speakers coming from different countries and involved in RIs in different ways. The event is organised by the R+I support offices in Brussels (CZELO, SLORD, PolSCA, NRDIO).

The conference will enable networking among the gathered stakeholders, facilitating debate between the interested parties from the Brussels community, EU bodies and Member State representations, and the researchers themselves who use a range of different European research infrastructures. Taking into account the EU Council Conclusions on Research Infrastructures, the event will discuss, among other things, calls for Member States to ensure the long-term sustainability and digital strengthening of their research infrastructures.


Summary of V4 Training for Research Managers and Administrators – Spring 2024


11th-13th March 2024, Brussels

We have concluded the spring edition of the V4 Training for Research Project Managers, which ran from 11th to 13th March this year. Traditionally, it was a joint event organised in Brussels by the PolSCA Office together with the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Science (CZELO), the National Research, Development and Innovation Office in Hungary (NRDIO) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD).

We hosted a total of 35 people, not only from the Visegrad Group countries but also from countries affiliated to IGLO (Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices), with Poland being represented by 7 research managers:


V4_Training for Research Project Managers SPRING 2024

March 11 10:00 March 13 17:00

V4 Training for Research Project Managers is a training course designed for experienced research managers working in project departments (primarily international: H2020 and Horizon Europe) exclusively at universities, scientific and research institutes (not companies) in departments responsible for acquisition, management and reporting.

The 15th edition of the V4 Training will take place between 11 and 13 March 2024.


Participation of Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the Framework Programs of the European Union.

Horizon Europe News

The Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences have secured over 50 million euros in funding in Horizon Europe programme. Research teams and scientists from more than half of PAS Institutes are involved in projects under Horizon Europe. Learn more about the participation of APS Institutes in the EU Framework Programs below.

Participatioon of PAS Institutes in Horizon Europe
Obrazek posiada pusty atrybut alt; plik o nazwie image-10-1024x775.png
PAS Institutes with net EU funding from Horizon Europe above 300k

Horizon Europe Navigators MeetUp: Industry Contact Points

February 19 11:00 12:30


European Partnership on Rare Diseases: State of Development

Horizon Europe News

The upcoming European Partnership on Rare Diseases (RD), an initiative scheduled for launch in 2024 under Horizon Europe is rooted in collaborative research and innovation. It seeks to address the unique challenges posed by rare diseases, ultimately improving the lives of millions across Europe.

What is a Rare Disease?

The Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences Join EBRAINS


The PolSCA Office has initiated contacts between the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences and members of EBRAINS – the European digital infrastructure for brain research. Today, we are delighted to announce that the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (ICHB PAN) in Poznań has joined EBRAINS as a full member. This affiliation grants PCSS the opportunity to actively contribute to the development of research infrastructure and engage in the advancement of digital tools supporting brain research. Additionally, as of 2024, the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology of the Polish Academy of Sciences has also joined EBRAINS as an Associated Member.

PCSS dołączyło do europejskiej cyfrowej infrastruktury badań nad mózgiem – EBRAINS

Horizon Europe Navigators MeetUp: NCP_WIDERA.NET

January 17 10:00 12:00

The first meeting in 2024 of the network of research managers and administrators at the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, known as “Horizon Europe Navigators”, will be devoted to the topic of support for beneficiaries from Poland, which is offered by the NCP_WIDERA.NET project. An expert from the National Contact Point for EU Research Programs will take part in the meeting.

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