The autumn edition of V4 Training is coming up – again in Brussels!


Already on 12 October, the next edition of the three-day V4 Training will begin, which, after a break of more than two years for the online formula, will again take place stationary in Brussels. Among the 35 participants from each Visegrad Group country and from countries associated in the IGLO (Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices), we have invited 7 people from Poland.


Online meeting! Polish Academies of Sciences Scientific Centers Abroad: Activities, Plans, Cooperation


The Academy’s scientific centers in Paris, Vienna, Rome, Representative Office of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kyiv, Center for Historical Studies in Berlin, and the Polish Contact Agency PolSCA in Brussels work to disseminate the information about the Science achievements of Polish science abroad. Their main goal is to promote the successes of our researchers, help establish contacts with foreign partners and facilitate academic cooperation.


Summary of the Matchmaking event on cluster 6.


More than 110 participants and 22 presenters from all over the Europe and beyond joined the Matchmaking event on cluster 6 of Horizon Europe on 29th of June!! The event was a follow-up activity of the #V4Conference2022 on “Benefits and challenges of participation in co-funded partnerships with a thematic focus on Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment”,that took place two weeks earlier. Both the conference and the brokerage were organised by Brussels-based V4 liaison offices.


Start of recruitment for the autumn edition of the “V4 Training for Research Project Managers” in Brussels!


The recruitment of participants for the next edition of the “V4 Training for Research Project Managers”, which will take place on 12, 13 and 14 October 2022, has started! This is a training course aimed at research managers dealing with, among other things, administration and fundraising, and the upcoming edition will be the first opportunity to meet in Brussels after a two-year break. Applications are being accepted until 19 July!

The event is organised by the Polish Science Contact Agency (PolSCA) together with the Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO), the National Office for Research, Development and Innovation in Hungary (NRDIO) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD).

The training foresees the participation of experienced research managers working in project departments (mainly international: H2020 and Horizon Europe) at universities, scientific and research institutes in departments responsible for acquisition, management and reporting from each Visegrad Group country and associated countries in IGLO (Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices) with a total of 35 participants. This is an excellent opportunity for knowledge enhancement, contact with European experts and networking. The training is not intended for academics.

To apply, please fill in the form below by 19 July (by the end of the day) and send your CV to

PolSCA will invite 7 people to participate in the training and they will be contacted in early August.

Participation in the “V4 Training for Research Project Managers” is free of charge, while travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the invited participants.

V4 Training for Research Project ManagersFORM

Previous editions (examples):

Spring 2021 (online)

Autumn 2019 (onsite, Brussels)

“Solidarity with Ukraine” event – fundraising still going on!


Last Tuesday, 14 June, the “Solidarity with Ukraine” networking and fundraising event took place. It was organized by the Polish Science Contacy Agency together with the National Centre for Research and Development/NCBR Brussels Office | Business & Science Poland and the Polish Institute in Brussels. The collections promoted during the event have not been closed and we still encourage you to support them!

The event gathered over 110 people, including numerous representatives of EU institutions and Polish community in Belgium and was opened by Andrzej Sadoś, Permanent Representative of Poland to the EU and Vsevolod Chentsov, Head of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union and directors of the institutions organizing the meeting: Ewa Kocińska-Lange from NCBR Office in Brussels | Business & Science Poland, Agnieszka Bolecka from the Polish Institute and Dr. Tomasz Poprawka from the Polish Science Contact Agency. Ruta Zarnauskaite from the European Commission, Head of Unit Horizon Europe Association in Directorate General for Research and Innovation, spoke about Ukraine’s association with Horizon Europe.

The part devoted to the support of Ukrainian scientists was opened by Dr. Tomasz Poprawka, who, in announcing the invited guests, stressed: “I am more than sure that the testimonials of our invited guests will inspire you and encourage to do what you can do best at your individual level, but also with your institutions, constituencies or stakeholders that you represent or work along with.

Then the floor was taken by:
Yevgeniia Polishchuk from Kyiv National Economic University, who also serves as Vice-head of the Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science in Ukraine, and
Dr. Maciej Maryl
, coordinator in the “Science for Ukraine” initiative and founder and head of the Center for Digital Humanities at the Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Afterwards, Ukrainian culture and art was presented by soprano Olga Artemenko and the Karski Quartet, following a speech by Mariana Kril from the Ukrainian Section of the Polish Radio. The walls of the venue were decorated with collages by Ivan and Vasyl Kostenko, the Braty graphic design studio. The Belgian RTL television prepared a reportage on this part of the program:

Guerre en Ukraine: rencontre avec des artistes tentant d’exercer leur métier (

Solidarity with Ukraine also aimed to highlight the fundraising activities of initiatives supporting Ukraine. The Help Centre Belgium collected almost €1,300 in an electronic collection during the event, you can still contribute to the Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Programme of the Foundation for Polish Science and the Cultural Heritage Foundation which collects funds for the Polish Support Center for Culture in Ukraine operating within the framework of the National Heritage Institute.

To support the Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Program of the Foundation for Polish Science we encourage you to visit a specially prepared page of the fundraising campaign, through which you can support the program by PayPal/payment cards, online and traditional bank transfers and standing order:

To support the Polish Support Center for Culture in Ukraine of the National Heritage Institute we encourage you to make direct donations to the account of the foundation cooperating directly with the Centre (for more information: Polish Institute Brussels:
UL. SOLEC 30A/37, 00-403 WARSAW PL37 1050 1025 1000 0090 8054 3649

Photos: NCBR

SUMMARY OF THE EVENT: Benefits and challenges of participation in co-funded partnerships with a thematic focus on co-funded partnerships under Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment


The National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary (NRDIO) together with the Czech Liaison Office for Education & Research (CZELO), the Polish Science Contact Agency of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PolSCA) and the Slovak Liaison Office for Research and Development (SLORD) organised a conference about the benefits and challenges of co-funded partnerships on 13 June 2022 at the premises of the Hungarian Permanent Representation. The well-attended event was also available for online participants.

After the welcoming remarks of the Deputy Permanent Representative, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to the EU, His Excellency Gábor Baranyai, the key-note presentation of Maria Leek from the European Commission not only focused on the recently published biannual monitoring report of partnerships but also on the future of the strategic planning process. The policy panel has addressed topics like the added value of participation in partnerships, the difficulties of prioritization, the necessity of synergies, commitment and mirror groups for partnerships on the national level. Ms. Leek reported about the launch of Mutual Learning Exercises in order to help sharing good practices and to find joint solutions for such challenges like the exit strategies of partnerships. The Polish perspective was presented in this panel by Ewa Kocińska-Lange, Director of the Brussels Office of the National Centre for Research and Development – Business & Science Poland.

As a second key-note, Margareta Olson (European Commission) has presented in the scientific panel the strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) setting process. The four scientists from the V4 countries have not only presented their scientific achievements linked to partnerships but also highlighted the importance of support staff when understanding and applying for partnership-related calls, the necessity of personal commitment, coordination skills and the need for scientists, who are able and ready to deal with policy documents. Poland was here represented by Joanna Przedrzymirska-Ziółkowska, Deputy Director for Organization and Development from the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot.

In his final remarks, Barna Kovács, Secretary General of the BIOEAST initiative also highlighted the need for support structures and the possible role of BIOEAST working groups in the preparation of partnership SRIAs and national participation.

Link to the video recording of the conference.

Networking and fundraising event “Solidarity with Ukraine” on June 14th in Brussels


Polish Science Contact Agency PolSCA together with the NCBR Office in Brussels | Business & Science Poland and the Polish Institute in Brussels would like to invite you to the networking and fundraising event “Solidarity with Ukraine”, which will be held on Tuesday, June 14 at 17h45 in the atrium of NCBR office in Brussels, at Rue Belliard 40.

The purpose of this event is to present the Ukrainian R&I landscape as well as the potential of Ukrainian scientists to the international community in Brussels and to facilitate networking among experts in the field of research and innovation. It is also a unique opportunity to talk about the cultural heritage, to enjoy Ukrainian art and music and most of all, to raise funds for the current needs of Ukrainian society.

There will be a chance to directly support the activities carried out by the Help Centre Belgium, an NGO that since the beginning of the conflict provides material support for the Ukraine or to donate funds to:

  • the recently established Polish-Ukrainian Cooperation Program, launched by the Foundation for Polish Science, which will finance projects in the social sciences and humanities, conducted jointly by scientists from Ukraine and Poland
  • and to the Polish Support Center for Culture in Ukraine, established by the National Heritage Institute, to coordinate both domestic and foreign initiatives to save the cultural heritage in Ukraine.

Invited guests only.

Falling Walls Lab Warsaw – great minds, 3 minutes, 1 day! Sign up until June 30.


Three minutes is all it takes! Falling Walls Lab is a world-class pitch competition, networking forum, and steppingstone that brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary pool of students and early-career professionals by providing a stage for breakthrough ideas both globally and locally. Join the global platform for students and early-career professionals. Submit your application by June 30. Polish Science Contact Agency (PolSCA) in Brussels is among the partners of the event.

Every year in November, students, PhD students, scientists, start-up founders and innovators from around the world talk about the ideas what can demolish walls. Previously, national qualifying rounds are organized in over 70 countries. The first conference was held on the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 2009. This year, the event will be held for the fourteenth time. Why is it worth to apply? Falling Walls is the unique global hub connecting science, business, and society.

  • Win a trip to Berlin (travel and accommodation included)
  • Participate in the global Falling Walls Lab Finale (November 7, 2022) in Berlin
  • Receive a ticket to the prestigious Falling Walls Science Summit (November 7-9, 2022), where leaders in science, industry, and policymaking meet and discuss which walls will be the next to fall in science and society
  • Take part in an exclusive extended program (the extended program events in past years have included a Springer Nature event on science publishing, an ‘Insights into German Research’ information session and science excursion, a networking dinner, etc.)
  • Gain access to inspiring braindates with other Falling Walls Science Summit participants
  • Increase your innovative project’s global reach and visibility with a pitch video in the Falling Walls content library
  • Join the global Falling Walls community platform Falling Walls Connect

Falling Walls Lab Warsaw will take place on September 15, 2022, at the Warsaw University of Technology. It is organised by pro science, the largest specialist PR agency in Poland dedicated to working with the science, R&D, and education communities. It operates in the space where science, business and society meet because our aim is for these sectors to interconnect. The company’s goal is to bring value to the academic world – better communication that develops science, and to provide companies with inventive thinking and original solutions.

To take part in Falling Walls Lab Warsaw, go to the website. Submit your application via the red ‘Apply’ button by June 30, 2022, at 23:59. Also, make sure to send an email to In July, pro science will invite you to a free online training in public speaking. The training will be held in July or August.

It is also possible to apply for the competition later – until August 15, 2022. However, participation in the training is reserved for those who do so on the first date.

The initiator of the creation of the network is the Falling Walls Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Berlin. It is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Robert Bosch Foundation, the Helmholtz Association, the Berlin Senate, as well as numerous recognized academic institutions, foundations, companies, and NGOs.

Effective communication, dissemination, and exploitation – successful valorisation of knowledge and research results in Horizon Europe

Horizon Europe News

Communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities are an integral part of Horizon Europe projects to maximise the impacts of the EU research & innovation funding, deriving from the Implementation Strategy for Horizon Europe and principles of the European Research Area (ERA) that aims to create a single, borderless market for research, innovation and technology across the EU.


Opportunities for Social Sciences and Humanities – Horizon Europe (Cluster 2 & SSH integration) and beyond

Horizon Europe News

As the European Union is currently facing many complex challenges, the role of social sciences and humanities (SSH) is crucial to understand rapid and structural transformations of the European societies and to prepare evidence-based policy responses.

To foster the role of SSH, the EU issued several programs and grant schemes supporting researchers, innovators and civil organizations engaged in social sciences and humanities, including a special place for SSH in Horizon Europe, the biggest research and innovation program of the EU.

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